Well, obviously, I haven't been keeping up on the blog. BUT, in my defense, there have been some pretty good reasons for me slacking. We had a bit of a scare just before Thanksgiving when I went into the hospital and found out that there were some complications with my pregnancy. In a nutshell, I stayed overnight, had steroid shots and was prepared to have an early arriver... however, the little one somehow worked things out and there is no longer a scheduled c-section on the horizon.
In addition to that bit of news, Don has become unexpectedly unemployed. While Frankie is loving (and thriving from) having him at home during the day, the job search continues. We had a wonderful Christmas and it's back to the grind (school) tomorrow for FZ. He was even able to make a trip back to NY during break to visit.
Some recent Frankie-isms:
~At bedtime last night he asked me to try and name every insect I could think of with him. We went through a few rounds, taking turns, when I said "Ant". He promptly replied, "Anteater". I explained that an anteater wasn't a bug and he informed me, "Oh, I didn't tell you we were in the bonus round. Do you have an animal that eats bugs?" When I told him that I did not, he said, "Well I guess I win the bonus then!"
~There is a Star Wars character named Admiral Ackbar. Ask Frankie about him and he will tell you his name is "Ad-man Snackbar". He also believes wholeheartedly that one of the Star Wars animals is named "deddy-girl". We realized that he calls it this because while riding the animal in one of the movies, Hans Solo says "steady girl..."
Still cracking us up on a regualr basis... Hope to have some new photos posted soon!