So - here goes! Bailey Irene Konuszewski is expected to arrive somewhere around January 25th. She has been very active and I often think I'm holding an aerobics class inside of me! The doctor is pleased with her growth - she is measuring right where she should be and her heart rate has been perfect! Our next appointment is on November 3 and after that we will be visiting Dr. Orvitz every 2 weeks. As soon as I figure out this blogging stuff, I'll post her most recent pictures!

FZ is doing great in Young 5's - he seems to have adjusted very well and made some new friends. He has a bunch of sight words that he's learning (so far: I, my, am, me, a, can, cat) and his name writing has vastly improved. He'll be VERY prepared for Kindergarten next year - if he can only remember that he's not the teacher! He's looking forward to his birthday party on November 1st. We'll be holding it at a local gym and it will include a mammoth inflatable whale "thing" that sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait to host a bunch of kids come down off of the sugar rush from trick or treating the night before ;) BTW - Frankie chose to be a werewolf this year because, he reasoned, "I have a really awesome howl, Mom!"
Don and Kim are doing well too! We have a car that may be on it's last legs, but other than that - no worries. We're almost finished with the nursery and though day-to-day maintenance of the house is a challenge when we're both so busy, things are coming together! The rugby season ended (hallelujah!) so hopefully things we'll be a little less chaotic now.
well hallelujah.