FZ did a great job handling his first lemonade stand. Here he is setting up his display to bring in the buyers. Quite a little marketer/salesperson. Very few people were able to resist his dimpled smile when he politely asked if they would like to "buy a glass of tasty lemonade". He even went so far as to offer free samples ("like at Sam's Club, Mom") to rake in customers. Our only glitch went something like this:
Aunt Mary: "Ok, Frankie, if your lemonade costs $.25 and someone gives you $1, how much change should they get?"
FZ: "I give them 3 quarters back."
Aunt Mary: "Great! What if they give you $1 and want to buy some of the bottled water that's $.50?"
FZ: "Then I give them 2 quarters back!"
Sounds perfect right? About 2-3 hours into the sale I notice a little girl (maybe 9yrs old) with a glass of lemonade. Here's my convo with Frankie...
Me: "Hey bud, how's business?"
FZ: "Great! See that girl over there? She gave me a $5 bill!!!" *excitedly waving said $5 bill* "That was sooo nice of her, so I just gave her all my quarters for her change."
Hmmm. So we've started working with the money flashcards...
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