She had her two month shots (2mos old already!) on Thursday and handled it like a champ. She's looking perfect according to the doc. Her stats: 23" long, 13# 4oz - putting her in the 97th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Oddly, her and Bailey have the same exact percentiles, but reversed. BK may end up being drafted for the WNBA!
CJ has followed in her older siblings footsteps and become an amazing sleeper. She go down anywhere between 8-10pm and sleep until sometime between 5:30-8am. She is currently still on the liquid gold formula - the canister you see pictured is about $22 a pop! That's a far cry from the $13 we had been paying for a canister almost twice this size, but she's doing really well with it so we aren't changing a thing! At 6mos, the pediatrician would like us to switch back to see if she's outgrown the milk protein allergy. I'm not looking forward to that!
More tomorrow with some weddin' pics! Yay Scott and Jess!
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