
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Inspired by Misty's blog (and Vanessa's sarcasm), I'm attempting to resurrect this bad boy once again!  We'll see how it goes, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

It's SUMMERTIME!  Happy days are here again (?) So far we've had a good start, but we're still trying to map out all the things we'd like to accomplish this summer...  #1 on the list is a wedding next weekend that both Frankie and Don are in - that of course requires wearing dreaded buttons.  FZ is less than thrilled.  What is it with the button phobia that has lasted for almost five years?  That's right - it started way back when he was barely two!  I decided to investigate...

Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons
The fear of buttons on clothing, known as button phobia or koumpounophobia, is an irrational phobia which is, perhaps surprisingly, a fairly common fear.

Seriously?  I read a little more and was intrigued.  It turns out that Frankie's fear (or rather, aversion) is pretty mild compared to the terror some feel at the sight of a button.

I asked Frankie to talk to me about buttons: "Buttons are scary, they're like monsters, they look like blood sucking monsters and they make you look like a nerd."

I noted that if someone was REALLY afraid of buttons that they probably wouldn't be able to handle the movie Coraline

He thought about that and said, "Ok, I can really, really HATE buttons and still handle Coraline!"

Phew!  Not in need of Kouma-whatch-ma-call-it therapy (yet!)

1 comment:

  1. funny..i wondered about the button picture in Don's gallery. It all makes sense. I guess some are afraid of spiders (me) and some are afraid of buttons.
