Poor Bay is dealing with 4 or 5 teeth shifting and cutting simultaneously. I'd have a more accurate number if I didn't fear losing a finger while examining her mouth.
Looking at the pic here, I've determined that she's working on her two upper canines, possibly an upper second molar, a lower lateral incisor, and a lower first molar.
I remember that Frankie cut all four top teeth at once and we were alternating tylenol and ibuprofen to keep him comfortable. We were also advised to give him Hurricane gel (only available behind the pharmacy counter). It was supposed to provide more relief than the Orajel, but it is no longer pediatrician recommended... they change opinions on these things so frequently!
Did you know that if we had to endure teething as adults, we'd all be on morphine during it? Pretty rough stuff these little ones have to endure - all in the name of chewing. Wish I could save her the pain and let her live off of an ice cream diet.
"Why isn't this stuff working?"
yep I hate teething. I bought the hurricane gel a couple of months ago. I used it once on Logan and once on myself just to test it. I am willing to try anything if it means he feels better. I think Logan may be teething as we speak...everytime I catch a glimpse, I see more white in his mouth.