Hello blog, it's been a while. I don't think we have any friends or following anymore due to my inconsistent visits. A lot can happen quickly when you have three kids (shocker) and time moves faster than I thought possible. My bitty baby still looks bitty to me but at 6 months, she's really not. My big baby isn't even so much a baby and my little guy's missing teeth are a testiment to him not being so little anymore. It feels sad to write that...
Part of the initial reason for starting a blog was because I have such an awful, awful memory and often rely on others recollections to re-create my past. With as hectic as things are, there is NO way that I will remember this time in my life if I don't document it. So, today updating this blog is taking priority over the many other things I could and should be doing.
Today as I went about our daily routine, it occurred to me that I don't remember what my routine was with Frankie when he was Bailey's age, let alone Cj's age. I only rememebr feeling extremely overwhelmed all the time. That part hasn't changed a whole lot! Anyway, I thought about how in 10 years (probably not even that long), I'm going to wonder how in the world I managed things at this stage in my life. And at that future date as I'm wondering, I'm going to become very annoyed with myself for not being able to remember.
Which brings me to this post.
If you are a wayward follower, you might want to check out now, cuz this is going to be a boring one. I'm mapping out our schedule (halleluia, we finally have some predictability!)
5-6am Cj requests to cuddle with mom and dad in their bed (sometimes)
6-6:15 Kim makes her way downstairs (typically with at least one baby) and gets FZ's bfast ready, packs his snack and lunch, double checks that he has his water bottle and homework, gets a bottle ready, gets Bailey's milk ready, feeds whichever baby is with me, change diaper
6:15-6:20 wake FZ and nudge him to get dressed and downstairs, grab second baby
6:20 feed and change second baby, make sure FZ is eating bfast
6:30 if riding the bus, get FZ on track and brushing his teeth, getting shoes, coat and bookbag on, if car rider, let him relax and entertain the babies
6:50 FZ to busstop (if bussing)
7:00 if car rider, get fz and babies loaded up to go to school
7:30 school drop off
8:00 back from drop off, bfast w/oj for BK and CJ babyfood - fruit(she hates it)
8:15 empty dishwasher
8:30 -9 mommy and baby girls play
9:00 Cj has a bottle and goes down for nap in PnP in our room, Bk and mommy do quiet activities (color, paint, read, puzzles)
10:00 Cj wakes (sometimes wants another small bottle), Bk has yogurt
10:15-10:45 DANCE PARTY
10:45 lunch prep
11:00 lunch with milk for bk, Cj babyfood - fruit/veggie mix
11:30 Bk naps in her crib
12:15 cj bottle
12:30 cj naps in PnP in our room
12:30-2:00 dinner prep (I really cook real meals now - mark 2010 as the year that finally happened!), clean up, laundry, run dishwasher
2:00 both girls wake up around the same time, bk snack with juice, cj bottle
2:30-3 outside time (weather permitting)
3:00-4 Fz gets home, inside for homework and Fz snack, then play
4:00 final dinner prep, along with the most chaotic, trying hour of the entire day where all three kids drive me bonkers
5:00 cj dinner babyfood - veggies (loves it)
5:30-6 Don gets home, dinnertime
6:15 bathtime for the girls
6:30 cj bottle
6:45 bk milk
7:00 brush teeth, stories, songs, bedtime girls (both in their room)
7-7:45 solo Fz time!!!
7:45 Fz shower
8:00 brush teeth, stories, Fz bed
8-10 clean toys, empty, load & run dishwasher, switch laundry, fold clothes, lay out kids clothes for tomorrow, check lunch menu to see if Fz will buy or bring, set out stuff for the morning, shower, hang with husband til I fall asleep.
10-5am re -insert Cj's pacifier 2-20 times throughout the night
Well, now, that wasn't quite as therapeutic as I hoped it would be... every minute of the day seems accounted for, but it would be total chaos if I tried to wing it each day and I really don't need that added stress. And while we have the predictability that I so craved, our schedule pretty much ties us to the house the entire day - ugh.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Who talks like that?
There are all these dumb quizzes on Facebook that ask many questions that should 'reveal' something about yourself that you may not have been aware of before. I'm not really sure what you're supposed to learn or get out of this inane knowledge, but I see many of the questions are similar to those you might encounter in a professional ice breaking session. I've always hated them as they tend to make me overanalyze things, which is something I can (and will) do on my own w/o needing a question to prompt it.
One of the questions asked wants to know what my pet peeve is. It's not the first time I've been asked and I usually come up with a common, normal response that probably isn't all together true, but fits the bill. Well, I've come up with a unique pet peeve. Using someone's last name when intimately addressing them. Like in a romance novel: "I love you, John Smith" or even just in normal conversation. While watching Mad Men last weekend Betty chastises her daughter Sally at a formal dinner. "Sally Draper!" It was then, I guess that I realized how irritated I am by it. I can't say that it will cause me to stop watching Mad Men ('cuz damn, that's a good show)- maybe they talked that way in the fifties. However, in 2010 dialogue, it makes me cringe. It has caused me to boycott beloved writer to many, Janet Evanovich (her atrocious writing, boring subject matter, and repetition also contributes to this decision).
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just jealous since I don't exactly have a name that rolls sweetly off the tongue.
One of the questions asked wants to know what my pet peeve is. It's not the first time I've been asked and I usually come up with a common, normal response that probably isn't all together true, but fits the bill. Well, I've come up with a unique pet peeve. Using someone's last name when intimately addressing them. Like in a romance novel: "I love you, John Smith" or even just in normal conversation. While watching Mad Men last weekend Betty chastises her daughter Sally at a formal dinner. "Sally Draper!" It was then, I guess that I realized how irritated I am by it. I can't say that it will cause me to stop watching Mad Men ('cuz damn, that's a good show)- maybe they talked that way in the fifties. However, in 2010 dialogue, it makes me cringe. It has caused me to boycott beloved writer to many, Janet Evanovich (her atrocious writing, boring subject matter, and repetition also contributes to this decision).
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just jealous since I don't exactly have a name that rolls sweetly off the tongue.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What we love about...
The big balls (tee-hee). Clean thoughts, please. The Target back home on Niagara Falls Blvd. has giant, red, cement balls that sent BK into a fit of excited squeals ("baaaaaaaaaal"). Since it's a favorite word in a very limited vocabulary, she jumps at every opportunity to use it (curse Vanessa for having furniture legs that resembled the beloved "baaaaaaaaaal" - very frustrating!) Here's Bailey testing out one of the target balls. FYI - we had to test out a couple - they could vary in comfort, you know.
Cutie pie Emma |
BK gives Poppa kisses |
CJ is cozy with Poppa |
Helping the girls "paint" |
Swimming! |
Monday, July 26, 2010
Just when I started to worry...
about running out of blog material, FZ lays this one on me at lunch today:

"You know what, Mom? If Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed were for real, they'd be mortal enemies. Know why? 'Cuz one plants the seeds and the other one cuts down the trees they grow into!"
Even though I have plenty of other catch up posts to make, I couldn't wait on this one!
Addendum: Frankie just got upset when he heard me relaying this story to my mom w/o asking his permission to share it. When I informed him that I didn't need his permission, I received the following response: "Fine! Then I'm going to tell the world what you look like naked when you're wearing your boobs!"
Watch out world. Or I'll take my boobs off.
"You know what, Mom? If Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed were for real, they'd be mortal enemies. Know why? 'Cuz one plants the seeds and the other one cuts down the trees they grow into!"
Even though I have plenty of other catch up posts to make, I couldn't wait on this one!
Addendum: Frankie just got upset when he heard me relaying this story to my mom w/o asking his permission to share it. When I informed him that I didn't need his permission, I received the following response: "Fine! Then I'm going to tell the world what you look like naked when you're wearing your boobs!"
Watch out world. Or I'll take my boobs off.
The 4th!
Despite the garage sale madness, we still managed to celebrate the 4th - sorta. We decided that we'd make the trek to Caseville to check out the beach and town since the kids and I had never been there. It would have been more enjoyable had Bailey been in a happier mood. Heck, if she had been in ANY other mood it would have been better than what she started out in! The sibling picture attempt... Bailey was crying and had just whacked Frankie in the face with her headband. Frankie was irritable because the sun was in his eyes (and probably some sunscreen as well), and CJ was looking away from the camera - my guess in an attempt to avoid a stray headband blow, sunscreen in the eyes, or the sun. Most likely, all of the above. Good times.
Lovely. Will my children ever take a decent picture together? |
bathing beauty... when she's not screaming. |
We have happier kids when they're not near eachother. |
Later that night - fireworks in the front yard. |
Garage Sale results
FZ did a great job handling his first lemonade stand. Here he is setting up his display to bring in the buyers. Quite a little marketer/salesperson. Very few people were able to resist his dimpled smile when he politely asked if they would like to "buy a glass of tasty lemonade". He even went so far as to offer free samples ("like at Sam's Club, Mom") to rake in customers. Our only glitch went something like this:
Aunt Mary: "Ok, Frankie, if your lemonade costs $.25 and someone gives you $1, how much change should they get?"
FZ: "I give them 3 quarters back."
Aunt Mary: "Great! What if they give you $1 and want to buy some of the bottled water that's $.50?"
FZ: "Then I give them 2 quarters back!"
Sounds perfect right? About 2-3 hours into the sale I notice a little girl (maybe 9yrs old) with a glass of lemonade. Here's my convo with Frankie...
Me: "Hey bud, how's business?"
FZ: "Great! See that girl over there? She gave me a $5 bill!!!" *excitedly waving said $5 bill* "That was sooo nice of her, so I just gave her all my quarters for her change."
Hmmm. So we've started working with the money flashcards...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Frankie and Jordan
Frankie: Jordan, let's get those zombies!
Jordan: We can't Frank - we'll get destroyed!
Frankie: No, we won't - let's get 'em.
Jordan: Yes, we will Frank. We don't have enough energy.
Frankie: OK, you're right, but it will be a fun getting destroyed.
Jordan: Oh, Frankie...
I get to listen to many other entertaining conversations between the two of them...
Frankie: Jordan, do you like tuxedos
Jordan: What's to like about them?
Frankie: Exactly
Jordan: They make you look funny
Frankie: And the shoes should be illegal - look at my blisters!
Other recent Frankie-isms:
(between him and the other ringbearer at Scott and Jess' rehearsal dinner)
Frankie: Dylan (the kid's name is Dale), what school do you go to?
Bride's father: Oh, he doesn't go to school around here- he's from Pennsylvania
Frankie: So, Dylan, do you live near any vampires?
While playing animal guesser with Don, Frankie tried to get Don to guess his animal - the "cosmanian devil"
I know there are many more and this will be an ongoing feature...
Bouncin' Bailey
There was an inflated bounce house on the lawn.
I pulled up fully expecting it to: a. not be for sale or, b. not be for sale at a price I was willing to pay. How surprised was I when the man told me he was asking $40 for it. $40!!! It was obviously in working condition and the price included the air pump. Well, of course, I didn't have any money on me and begged him to let me rush home to get it (the sale was only around the corner from our house). I rushed in to the house like a bat out of hell where Don was hosting the beginnings of Scott's bachelor party only to hear "Kim, I don't have any cash". I think the crestfallen look on my face prompted one of the guys attending the festivities to open his wallet (Thank you, John Gallagher!!!).
I think she likes it.
Later that day the woman who had been selling the item at her sister's garage sale stopped by to drop off the carrying tote and repair kit. She just walked right into my house! But that's a story for another time...
Father's Day Fun!
The kids worked together to make a Father's Day cake for Donnie. Charlie supervised while Bailey read the directions and poured the liquids, Frankie poured the powder and was on mixing patrol... he refused to crack the eggs because 'they're gross' (can't say I blame him too much). They had a fabulous end result and the girls dressed up in their matching shirts for Daddy. Once again, our attempt at a siblings shot was thwarted by the ever elusive Bailey... We'll keep trying!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Frankie says:
This is a picture that I took of my sister. She gets jealous when I'm outside and when I take the DS away from her. She loves to try to bite me. Bailey is a cat lover. She likes to play with me. Sometimes she's afraid of having her picture taken.
I have another sister. She sleeps a lot. Both of my sisters are cute.
I have another sister. She sleeps a lot. Both of my sisters are cute.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A couple of words about teething...
Poor Bay is dealing with 4 or 5 teeth shifting and cutting simultaneously. I'd have a more accurate number if I didn't fear losing a finger while examining her mouth.
Looking at the pic here, I've determined that she's working on her two upper canines, possibly an upper second molar, a lower lateral incisor, and a lower first molar.
I remember that Frankie cut all four top teeth at once and we were alternating tylenol and ibuprofen to keep him comfortable. We were also advised to give him Hurricane gel (only available behind the pharmacy counter). It was supposed to provide more relief than the Orajel, but it is no longer pediatrician recommended... they change opinions on these things so frequently!
Did you know that if we had to endure teething as adults, we'd all be on morphine during it? Pretty rough stuff these little ones have to endure - all in the name of chewing. Wish I could save her the pain and let her live off of an ice cream diet.
"Why isn't this stuff working?"
Poor Bay is dealing with 4 or 5 teeth shifting and cutting simultaneously. I'd have a more accurate number if I didn't fear losing a finger while examining her mouth.
Looking at the pic here, I've determined that she's working on her two upper canines, possibly an upper second molar, a lower lateral incisor, and a lower first molar.
I remember that Frankie cut all four top teeth at once and we were alternating tylenol and ibuprofen to keep him comfortable. We were also advised to give him Hurricane gel (only available behind the pharmacy counter). It was supposed to provide more relief than the Orajel, but it is no longer pediatrician recommended... they change opinions on these things so frequently!
Did you know that if we had to endure teething as adults, we'd all be on morphine during it? Pretty rough stuff these little ones have to endure - all in the name of chewing. Wish I could save her the pain and let her live off of an ice cream diet.
"Why isn't this stuff working?"
Frankie & Weddings...
My boy has some wedding experience under his belt. Starting way back before he was even 8months old when he wore his first tuxedo to Grammy and Grampy's wedding. He ended up in only the tux shirt and diaper by the end of the evening... which was almost as cute as the full tux gear.
Fast forward a few years to mine and Don's wedding. Frankie stayed fully clothed for this one and walked both of us down the isle. Way too cute - look at my little guy...
A little man! He sat well during the ceremony - even while the squirrels threw chestnuts at our heads (I'm telling you, that should have been a sign for the craziness I was signing up for!)

Next up was ring bearer duties at Aunt Lisa and Uncle Ben's wedding and he was able to rock a tux once again. Here he is checking out the limo. I'm sure it got his stamp of approval!
Tux time again at Uncle Scott and Aunt Jess's wedding. Check out my two handsome guys. With all the previous weddings he was a part of, Frankie hardly needed any guidance here. He was awesome.
Here's Frank, his cousin, Lane, and the other ringbearer making their way down the aisle. Frank took his role as the oldest kid pretty seriously and did a great job 'helping' Laners make it to the alter.

She was just to cute not to post a shot of - even if
this one is supposed to be all about FZ!
I don't have reception pictures yet, but I should mention that Frankie TORE IT UP on the dance floor and decided to rip his shirt off on more than one occasion. At 8months, it was the pants.. at 6 years old, it was the shirt. Guess things have a way of coming full circle!
Fast forward a few years to mine and Don's wedding. Frankie stayed fully clothed for this one and walked both of us down the isle. Way too cute - look at my little guy...
A little man! He sat well during the ceremony - even while the squirrels threw chestnuts at our heads (I'm telling you, that should have been a sign for the craziness I was signing up for!)
Next up was ring bearer duties at Aunt Lisa and Uncle Ben's wedding and he was able to rock a tux once again. Here he is checking out the limo. I'm sure it got his stamp of approval!
Tux time again at Uncle Scott and Aunt Jess's wedding. Check out my two handsome guys. With all the previous weddings he was a part of, Frankie hardly needed any guidance here. He was awesome.
Here's Frank, his cousin, Lane, and the other ringbearer making their way down the aisle. Frank took his role as the oldest kid pretty seriously and did a great job 'helping' Laners make it to the alter.
She was just to cute not to post a shot of - even if
this one is supposed to be all about FZ!
I don't have reception pictures yet, but I should mention that Frankie TORE IT UP on the dance floor and decided to rip his shirt off on more than one occasion. At 8months, it was the pants.. at 6 years old, it was the shirt. Guess things have a way of coming full circle!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Charlie Belle
She had her two month shots (2mos old already!) on Thursday and handled it like a champ. She's looking perfect according to the doc. Her stats: 23" long, 13# 4oz - putting her in the 97th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Oddly, her and Bailey have the same exact percentiles, but reversed. BK may end up being drafted for the WNBA!
CJ has followed in her older siblings footsteps and become an amazing sleeper. She go down anywhere between 8-10pm and sleep until sometime between 5:30-8am. She is currently still on the liquid gold formula - the canister you see pictured is about $22 a pop! That's a far cry from the $13 we had been paying for a canister almost twice this size, but she's doing really well with it so we aren't changing a thing! At 6mos, the pediatrician would like us to switch back to see if she's outgrown the milk protein allergy. I'm not looking forward to that!
More tomorrow with some weddin' pics! Yay Scott and Jess!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Girly Girl
We're taking it up a notch.
It turns out that Bailey doesn't share my appreciation of nail polish... (Thankfully, we DO share a love of shoes!) I decided that Uncle Scott's wedding this weekend would be the perfect chance to showcase "pretty hands", but BK had other ideas. Our first attempt involved a highchair, two very squirmy legs/feet, an unhappy baby, and a lot of smeared pink polish (luckily it came off of the wood chairs quite easily :) It was time to employ drastic measures - a covert operation.
Look at how cooperative Bailey was (albeit unknowingly!) It was easy to paint those bitty nails when they were just dangling there! And she didn't even flinch! What a good girl.
and notice the flaws.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Inspired by Misty's blog (and Vanessa's sarcasm), I'm attempting to resurrect this bad boy once again! We'll see how it goes, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
It's SUMMERTIME! Happy days are here again (?) So far we've had a good start, but we're still trying to map out all the things we'd like to accomplish this summer... #1 on the list is a wedding next weekend that both Frankie and Don are in - that of course requires wearing dreaded buttons. FZ is less than thrilled. What is it with the button phobia that has lasted for almost five years? That's right - it started way back when he was barely two! I decided to investigate...
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons
The fear of buttons on clothing, known as button phobia or koumpounophobia, is an irrational phobia which is, perhaps surprisingly, a fairly common fear.
Seriously? I read a little more and was intrigued. It turns out that Frankie's fear (or rather, aversion) is pretty mild compared to the terror some feel at the sight of a button.
I asked Frankie to talk to me about buttons: "Buttons are scary, they're like monsters, they look like blood sucking monsters and they make you look like a nerd."
I noted that if someone was REALLY afraid of buttons that they probably wouldn't be able to handle the movie Coraline
He thought about that and said, "Ok, I can really, really HATE buttons and still handle Coraline!"
Phew! Not in need of Kouma-whatch-ma-call-it therapy (yet!)
It's SUMMERTIME! Happy days are here again (?) So far we've had a good start, but we're still trying to map out all the things we'd like to accomplish this summer... #1 on the list is a wedding next weekend that both Frankie and Don are in - that of course requires wearing dreaded buttons. FZ is less than thrilled. What is it with the button phobia that has lasted for almost five years? That's right - it started way back when he was barely two! I decided to investigate...
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons
The fear of buttons on clothing, known as button phobia or koumpounophobia, is an irrational phobia which is, perhaps surprisingly, a fairly common fear.
Seriously? I read a little more and was intrigued. It turns out that Frankie's fear (or rather, aversion) is pretty mild compared to the terror some feel at the sight of a button.
I asked Frankie to talk to me about buttons: "Buttons are scary, they're like monsters, they look like blood sucking monsters and they make you look like a nerd."
I noted that if someone was REALLY afraid of buttons that they probably wouldn't be able to handle the movie Coraline
He thought about that and said, "Ok, I can really, really HATE buttons and still handle Coraline!"
Phew! Not in need of Kouma-whatch-ma-call-it therapy (yet!)
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