
Monday, July 26, 2010

The 4th!

Despite the garage sale madness, we still managed to celebrate the 4th - sorta.  We decided that we'd make the trek to Caseville to check out the beach and town since the kids and I had never been there.  It would have been more enjoyable had Bailey been in a happier mood.  Heck, if she had been in ANY other mood it would have been better than what she started out in!  The sibling picture attempt... Bailey was crying and had just whacked Frankie in the face with her headband.  Frankie was irritable because the sun was in his eyes (and probably some sunscreen as well), and CJ was looking away from the camera - my guess in an attempt to avoid a stray headband blow, sunscreen in the eyes, or the sun.  Most likely, all of the above.  Good times.
Lovely.  Will my children ever take a decent picture together?

bathing beauty... when she's not screaming.

We have happier kids when they're not near eachother.
Later that night - fireworks in the front yard.

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